We’re radio people.
Our greatest joy is to listen … and to encourage other people to share their authentic voices.
We began our work in 1978 when 17-year old founder Larry Berger created a weekly radio program called The Saturday Light Brigade with dreams of establishing a space for people of all ages and backgrounds to gather and hear puzzles, conversation, interviews, and live performances.
We established studios in the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh in 2004. We soon added school workshops, youth journalism, oral history, self-advocacy, and podcasting programs aimed at teens — not to create the broadcast superstars of tomorrow, although we have a few noted alumni!
Instead, our vision is to provide opportunities to keep youth engaged as they sharpen academic, workforce readiness, technical and life skills, all while discovering their own voices and perspectives — and hearing those of other people.
We expanded again in 2022 by creating a 3,500 sq. ft. Youth Media Center. The Saturday Light Brigade continues to air weekly and — along with this website, podcasts, social media, and more — is among the ways we gather and distribute authentic voices. As we do, people realize that their voice matters — that they matter — and that their voices can be used for self-expression, inquiry, and change.