Black and white image of an adult with glasses holding a decorative mug of a cartoon character and smiling in profile

Grace Anderson

Staff Educator

Adult with long dark brown hair and red glasses smiling in profile

Deanna Baringer

Director of Programs

412.586.6300 x6

Adult with glasses and headphones speaking into a microphone and smiling in profile

Larry Berger

Adult with long blonde hair smirking in profile

Rikki Berger

Adult with brown, pink, and silver hair, earrings, a nose ring, and a brown shirt smirking in profile

Alexa Bocek

Stylized painting of an adult with short hair, glasses, and a guitar singing into a microphone

Tai Chirovsky

Community Engagement Coordinator

412.586.6300 x0

A person wearing a grey vest over a long sleeve collared shirt.

Ellis Durham

Technical Associate

Cartoon drawing of an adult with a black hat, a beard and mustache, a blue shirt, and an orange cat on their shoulder

Robert Gray

Director of Operations

412.586.6300 x7

Adult with light brown hair, glasses, and a short beard and mustache smiling in profile

Chad Green

adult with mustache and sunglasses disguise in profile

Katie Keirs

Adult with short brown hair and a short brown beard and mustache smiling in profile

Jozef Kukula

Youth Media Center Manager

412.586.6300 x5

Adult with short light brown hair, glasses, a black suit jacket, a white shirt, and a blue tie with white spots smiling in profile

Ben Rutkowski

Senior Staff Educator

412.586.6300 x2