May 30, 2014

The ZONE: Super Heroes

Students pondered an eternal question: who would win in a competition of strength, Superman or the Flash? Brandon, who chose the Flash for some reason, also provided his own percussion as a music bed for his recording.

May 7, 2014

The ZONE: Mad Libs 2

On May 7th, students at The ZONE wrote and recorded their second Mad Lib, this one about a curious dog. Their favorite exclamation: “OMG!”

April 23, 2014

The ZONE: Virtual DJ-ing 101

Students at The ZONE were introduced to the audio mixing software, Virtual DJ Pro, with which they used to alter various Pop and Disney songs, leaving their own personal mark on the likes of Frozen’s “Let It Go,” Arrested Development’s “Tennessee” and The Clash’s “I Fought the Law.”

April 2, 2014

The ZONE: When I Grow Up and Other Stories

The ZONE radio clubbers wrote and recorded a quick story about what they want to be when they grow up. After recording we used a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) named Logic Pro to make beats along with their story recordings.

March 26, 2014

The ZONE: Zoo Story

The ZONE’s Radio Club-ers were tasked with answering these very difficult questions: “What would you do if, while at the Zoo, all the animals were released and an aggressive panda cornered you? What if you yelled ‘Stop!’ and suddenly discovered you could speak to animals?”