YES: Riversong String Band
From 09/19/2015: The Arnold-Mages sisters of Southside Slopes, Josephine (5), Lillian (6), Camille (12), and Emily (15), are four fiddlers who perform as Riversong.
YES: Pittsburgh Refugee Youth Summer Enrichment (PRYSE)
From 8/8/2015: Reflections from Pittsburgh Refugee Youth Summer Enrichment (PRYSE)summer camp students Sharif Muzhimu (12, Arsenal Middle School), Niraj Nepal (14, South Brooks Middle School), Champa Phuyal (13, Beechwood Elementary School) and Chali Chhetri (15, Keystone Oaks High School).
YES: Students from the Woodwind Camp at David’s Music House.
From 8/1/2015: Students from the Woodwind Camp being held this summer at David’s Music House.
YES: Candace and Bria discuss Big Brothers Big Sisters
From 8/1/2015: Candace and Bria discuss their relationship as forged by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh along with BBBS Staff Kristine Pace.
YES: Urban Impact Shakes preview The Merchant of Venice
From 7/25/2015: A scene from the Urban Impact Shakes production of The Merchant of Venice with Johnny Sikma and cast members J’Quay Gibbs (18, IUP), Marlo Hall (20, Cal U), Melannie Taylor (17, Pittsburgh CAPA) and Skyla Bruno (15, Pine Richland), 8/6 to 8/9, New Hazlett Theater.