September 12, 2015

YES: Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artists Winner, J. Oliver Choo

From 9/12/2015: Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artists winner J. Oliver Choo (12) performs selections from Schubert and Motzart on piano.

September 12, 2015

Live Music: Tom Breiding

From 9/12/2015: Live Music with folk singer/songwriter Tom Breiding after his release of River, Rails and Roads.

September 5, 2015

Live Music: Working Breed

From 9/5/2015: The multi-instrumental musical stylings of Working Breed.

August 29, 2015

YES: Falstaff’s Fellows

Jonathan Aceto (12, homeschooled, Squirrel Hill), Lydia Aceto (17, homeschooled, Squirrel Hill), Grace Bolland (17, homeschooled, Kennedy), Skylar Rella (17, Winchester Thurston), and Rhiannon Passmore (14, CAPA Pittsburgh) of the youth performance troupe, Falstaff’s Fellows, read scenes from King Lear in anticipation of the upcoming Pittsburgh Shakespeare in the Parks production.

August 29, 2015

Live Music: Lone Wolf Club

From 8/29/2015: Live music with Justin Stag and Zack Morgan of Lone Wolf Club.