September 12, 2015

YES: Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artists Winner, J. Oliver Choo

From 9/12/2015: Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artists winner J. Oliver Choo (12) performs selections from Schubert and Motzart on piano.

August 1, 2015

YES: Students from the Woodwind Camp at David’s Music House.

From 8/1/2015: Students from the Woodwind Camp being held this summer at David’s Music House.

July 25, 2015

YES: Urban Impact Shakes preview The Merchant of Venice

From 7/25/2015: A scene from the Urban Impact Shakes production of The Merchant of Venice with Johnny Sikma and cast members J’Quay Gibbs (18, IUP), Marlo Hall (20, Cal U), Melannie Taylor (17, Pittsburgh CAPA) and Skyla Bruno (15, Pine Richland), 8/6 to 8/9, New Hazlett Theater.

July 11, 2015

YES: PCS Competition Winner, Pianist, Sora Hoppo

From 7/11/2015: Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artist Competition winner Sora Hoppo (10, Franklin Elementary School) with selections on piano.

June 27, 2015

Opera Theater of Pittsburgh’s The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

From 6/27/2015: Dennis Robinson (director), Karen Jeng Lin (conductor/pianist) and Zachary Luchetti (Big Bad Wolf) previewing the Opera Theater of Pittsburgh production of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, Saturdays at 11 am, 7/11 to 8/1, Twentieth Century Club. Oakland.