July 18, 2015

Live Music With Apres Pompeii

From 7/18/2015: Live Music With Apres Pompeii.

July 18, 2015

YES: Baden Academy 5th Grade Environmentalist Erin Cheek

From 7/18/2015: Baden Academy Charter School 5th grader Erin Cheek on her work to form an environmental club to provide resources for teachers to use the school grounds in their lessons.

July 18, 2015

YES: Students from the Nameless in August Summer Rock Academy

From 7/18/2015: Students from the Nameless in August Summer Rock Academy, featuring Vyla Tomachesky (7, vocals, Thornburg), Sophia Kaulen (8, guitalele, Polish Hill), Henry Shaw (6, guitalele, Friendship), Oona Shaw (9, drums, Friendship), Evelyn Hertzog (9, cello, Upper St. Clair), and Estella Fritz (9, electric guitar, South Fayette).

July 18, 2015

A Story From Stas’ Ziolkowski

From 7/18/2015: A story from Stas’ Ziolkowski in advance of the 15th Annual Three Rivers Storytelling Festival, 8/7 and 8/8, Winchester Thurston School North Campus.

July 11, 2015

Live Music with Malcolm Holcombe

From 7/11/2015: Legendary songwriter Malcolm Holcombe, fresh from his 7/10 Harmony in the House Concert at Bottle Brush Gallery.