November 28, 2015

YES: Fairchild Challenge

From: 11/28/2015: Ella Conti (11, Forest Hills) and Madeline Douglas (11, Swissvale) represent Woodland Hills academy winners of the Fairchild Challenge, a national program designed to foster environmental awareness and action in teens and coordinated locally by Phipps Conservancy & Botanical Gardens.

June 13, 2015

Students Discuss the Phipps Conservatory Fairchild Challenge

From 6-13-2016: Luke Smarra, Morgan Hayes (Montour Middle School), Michaela Brining, Kelsey Marshall, Elisa Gabriel (Shaler Area Middle School), Fiona Reigert and Calista Martin-Singer (The Ellis School) on their award-winning work during this year’s Fairchild Challenge, a national program designed to foster environmental awareness and action in teens and coordinated locally by Phipps Conservancy & Botanical Gardens.

April 4, 2015

YES: Fairchild Challenge

From 4-4-15: Ethan Chirdon (Shaler Middle School) Dawson White, Ellen Poplauska, & Natalie Daninhirsch (Carson Middle School). Students talking about their award-winning projects in response to the latest Fairchild Challenge, a national program encouraging teens to foster an interest in the environment and sponsored locally by Phipps.

February 21, 2015

YES: Fairchild Challenge

From 2-21-15: Melina Bowser (8th grade, Carson Middle School), Emily Kelly, Allison Squire (8th grade, Shaler Area Middle School) McKenna Robinson, Olivia Lyscik (5th grade, David E. Williams Middle School), Teighan Racicot, and Elsa Tonkinwisee talking about their winning entries in the latest Fairchild Challenge at Phipps.

December 27, 2014

YES: Fairchild Challenge

From 12-27-14: Fairchild Challenge photography honorees Audrey Lyda (The Ellis School), Bilquisu Abdullah, Syed Rizvi and Sean Bright (Shaffer Elementary), Eddie Sheets (Shaler Area Middle School), Dylan Sparkenbaugh (David E. Williams Middle School), and Panari Patel (Keystone Oaks Middle School).