March 21, 2024

E70 Lydia Soifer, Bird’s Nest Fern

Lydia Soifer, studying at University of Florida, with thoughts and reflections on Asplenium nidus or bird’s nest fern.

May 18, 2023

E69 Amanda Thiel, Chipilín

Amanda Thiel, studying at Washington State University, with thoughts and reflections on Crotalaria longirostrata or chipilín.

May 4, 2023

E68 Sarah Klionsky – Cranberry

Sarah Klionsky, studying at the University of Connecticut, with thoughts and reflections on Vaccinium macrocarpon or cranberry.

April 20, 2023

E67 Alexa Wagner – Paw Paw

Alexa Wagner, studying at Case Western Reserve University, with thoughts and reflections on Asimina triloba or paw paw.

April 6, 2023

E66 Veronica Iriart – Wild Lupine

Veronica Iriart, studying at the University of Pittsburgh, with thoughts and reflections on Lupinus perennis or wild lupine.