February 14, 2023

Propel Homestead 2023: Career Exploration

Students in grades 4th-5th at Propel Homestead share their thoughts on the world as they develop their authentic voices while thinking and learning about future…

June 28, 2018

Propel Schools: Career Exploration

Sixth through eighth grade students at Propel Schools explore job and career opportunities that interest them. Through career research and interviews with people in the…

June 2, 2016

Propel Homestead Afterschool Radio Club 2015-2016

Throughout the 2015/2016 school year, SLB Radio Productions, Inc., in partnership with Propel Homestead, met with middle school students to discuss topics that were important to them.

June 4, 2015

Propel Homestead Afterschool Oral History Program 2015

In Spring of 2015, SLB Radio Productions, Inc., in partnership with Propel Homestead, convened a group of middle school students during their afterschool program. While learning about digital audio recording, the students also spent time discussing attributes of role models and important issues within their community. They then conducted interviews at the Rainbow Kitchen. With support as needed, students then arranged and edited these interviews.

February 27, 2012

Propel Homestead – 1st Grade – Original Stories and Adaptations

As part of a 6-week Creative Arts program which focused on storytelling, audio technology and the power of the human voice, Propel Homestead first graders created these 40 original stories and adaptations. Each student also created an illustrated book to share their story in written form with family and friends.