May 24, 2017

Brashear After School 2016-17

Brashear High School students celebrated International Women’s Day (and Women’s History Month!) by talking about special women in their lives.

April 21, 2017

YMAP Westinghouse Community Clean Up Day!

On Friday, April 21st from 9 to 11 AM, Westinghouse students took to the streets with gloves and garbage bags to clean up the trash around their school. This group of ninth graders were are part of the Youth Media Advocacy Project, a program that encourages students to express themselves and identify issues in their community they wish to change. In this case, students were concerned by the amount of garbage and litter in the neighborhood around their school, and decided to create an event to help change that.

January 18, 2017

Brashear After School: Sanctuary Status

With Pittsburgh Public Schools looking like it may declare itself a “sanctuary” school district (which became official shortly thereafter), Brashear students discussed what that status would mean to their school and to their peers – a conversation that is particularly applicable because of Brashear’s large population of students who speak English as a second language.

May 10, 2016

Pittsburgh King 2016: Audio Message Exchange – Episode #2

Students at both Pittsburgh King and Clairton Middle School continued to send each other audio messages these past two weeks, asking about their school cafeteria food, school basketball teams, and what is the best place in their neighborhood?

March 8, 2016

Pittsburgh King 2016: The Nathan & Rydell Show! – Football

Tune in to the inaugural episode of the Nathan & Rydell Show! They’re two 8th graders at Pittsburgh King with a tremendous passion for all things sport. On this week’s show they discuss some of the best players from this past football season, predict next season’s AFC/NFC Champions, and breakdown Peyton Manning’s retirement and his place in NFL history.