Youth Express: Pittsburgh Musical Theater, Pirates! 2 The Hidden Treasure

Five teens wearing headphones singing into a microphone and looking at a music stand in a radio studio

From 12/30/2023: Burgess Lychack (10th grade, Pittsburgh CAPA), Jayden Greening (10th grade, Pittsburgh CAPA), Ilyssa Bails (11th grade, Pittsburgh Allderdice), Tessa Chandler (10th grade, West Allegheny High School), and Eli Fisher (12th grade, Thomas Jefferson High School) from Pittsburgh Musical Theater’s Tales and Treats production of Pirates! 2 The Hidden Treasure at the Gargaro Theater, 1/6 (12:30 and 6 pm), West End.

Title Length Date Files
Play/Pause Pittsburgh Musical Theater, Pirates! 2 The Hidden Treasure 2023-12-30
17:22 Dec 30, 2023 Download
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