YES: David’s Music House Saxophone Ensembles

From 03/26/2016: Two youth saxophone groups from David’s Music House, along with their instructor, Ben Barson, perform before the Rhythm and Youth Concert at the Kelly-Strayhorn Theater 3/31.


The Golden Quintet: Ava Szalla (12, Canonsburg MS), Matthias Feitt (9, McMurray Elementary), Dante Compagni (12, Ringgold MS), and Kate Hardy (13, Peters MS)

Download Audio FileThe Golden Quintet on SLB


The Way of the Sax: Brenden Stillwell (13, Canonsburg MS), Max Szalla (14, Canonsburg HS), Nicole Esselstyn (13, Peters Township MS), Alex Grove (14, Canonsburg HS), and Kate Hardy (13, Peters MS)

Download Audio FileThe Way of the Sax on SLB

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