Radio Camp 2012 – Day 10 – It’s all about the FUN!

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Who said having a case of the Mondays was a bad thing???  We love Mondays!  We were so excited to see all of our campers after the weekend!  We wanted to refresh our memories of using a microphone, so we wrote in our Reporter’s Notebooks and recorded (using proper microphone technique) something fun we did over the weekend and/or some ways that we think we are silly.  We heard some fun stories from weekend plans, and learned some pretty silly things about our campers!  Thank you for sharing your good times!

Here is the audio we were able to record.  Notice how good everyone sounds because we were talking a hands-length-away from the microphone:

Download Audio FileBlock 1 [audio: 2012/Day_10_What_I_Did_Over_the_Weekend/Block_1.mp3]

Download Audio FileBlock 2 [audio: 2012/Day_10_What_I_Did_Over_the_Weekend/Block_2.mp3]

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