[dmalbum path=”/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Propel Homestead 4th/”/]
As part of a 6-week Creative Arts program focused on radio broadcasting, Propel Homestead fourth graders identified social issues that concerned them. They then researched, wrote and recorded these public service announcements to promote organizations working to address these issues.
This project was designed to expose students to people making a difference, career opportunities focused on helping people, and the power of clear writing and speaking as a means of conveying information to others. What follows are a few examples of these announcements. They are also scheduled for distribution via The Saturday Light Brigade radio program.
Public Service Announcements
Animal Rescue League – By Velton K., Brianna R., Alex L., and Zach M. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/1AlexBriannaVeltonandZachfinal.mp3]
Bullying Prevention Institute – By Tiara T., Macaiah T. and Brionna W. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/2TiaraMacaiahandBrionnafinal.mp3]
Center for Schools and Communities – By Ana’Leaise G., Zyair W., Jaylen D. and Khiry B. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/3Ana’LeaiseZyairJaylenandKhiry_final.mp3]
Hearts & Minds – By Jaishon H., DoRon D., Ricky J. and Andre R. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/5JaishonDoRonRickyandAndrefinal.mp3]
Homeless Children’s Education Fund – Divine B., Raiona T., Armani B. and Taylor W. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/6DivineRaionaArmaniTaylor-HCEF_final.mp3]
Homeless Children’s Education Fund – By Jamarr G., Daniel W. and Tyler J. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/7JamarrDanielTyler-HCEF_final.mp3]
The Mario Lemieux Foundation – By Terrell M., Shawnray B. and Seth R. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/8ShawnrayTerrellandSeth_final.mp3]
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children – By Indarah M., Niya M., Jamal W. and Jasmine W. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/9IndyNiyaJamalandJasmine_final.mp3]
Western Pennsylvania Humane Society – By Tajea S., D’Andre F., Mya E and Aariah W. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/10D’AndreMyaTajeaAariah-WPAHS_final.mp3]
Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh – By Elgin O., Za’Khai R. and Jaumair G. [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pghyouthradiocorps/schools/Propel Homestead/4th Grade/11JaumairElginZaKhai-WCSPgh_final.mp3]