Homewood Voices features first-person reflections from thirteen men as collected by seventeen boys. Project activities were conducted in collaboration with the YMCA Lighthouse Project at Pittsburgh Westinghouse 6-12 in Homewood. Listen below for each man’s story as well as reflections from the interviewers.
Special thanks to Phil Thompson, James Brown, Derrick Lopez and everyone at the YMCA Lighthouse Project and Homewood Children’s Village.
For a copy of the accompanying book/CD or for information about conducting a similar oral history project in your community, contact Chanessa Schuler at chanessa@slbradio.org.
This project was made possible by the African American Men and Boys Initiative of The Heinz Endowments with support from:
with additional support from the New Pittsburgh Courier, Kidsburgh and Spark, a program of The Sprout Fund. The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the individuals represented and do not necessarily reflect those of The Heinz Endowments or any collaborating organization.