[dmalbum path=”/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/King 12-11-14/”/]
Our After School group at King wrote and recorded what they plan to do for Christmas as well as their hopes for the New Year. It seems like tree houses are going to be big in 2015! Due to a field trip, not everyone got a chance to record but check back soon for everyone’s individual pieces.
At the end of our session, students discussed what they like about their school and some things they might want to change.
[audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pps/King/2014-12-11_Christmas/DeiMar_12_Christmas.mp3] [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pps/King/2014-12-11_Christmas/Jordan_11_Christmas.mp3] [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pps/King/2014-12-11_Christmas/Karon_13_Christmas.mp3] [audio:http://archived.slbradio.org/mp3/pps/King/2014-12-11_Christmas/My School.mp3]